Radical Relationship with God: Come and See (Day 9)

Kristi Huckabee • March 31, 2022

We are going to follow Him…to come and see.

“Get on fire for God and men will come and see you burn.”

― John Wesley


Yesterday we dug deeper looking at what scripture teaches when it comes to hearing God. We looked at three benefits of knowing God’s voice.

One was that it enables us to know Him more fully. Another benefit was that knowing His voice helps us to distinguish between His voice and other voices around us. And finally, knowing His voice prepares us to serve others.

So how can we learn to hear His voice?

There are four ways that I can see scripture tells us we hear God’s voice.

First is through His Word.

The next is through the testimony of other believers.

Another way is through Creation.

And the fourth way is what some refer to as the leading of the Spirit. The leading of the Spirit could be through thoughts, emotions, dreams, or even an audible voice. 

I am sure there are more, but this is what we are going to look at today.

Just being granted the opportunity to hear Him in one way is knock your socks off amazing. But to be invited into all four is…overwhelming.

Take a little bit of time to think about experiences you have had with hearing God’s voice. For example…an audible voice, dreams, direction from the Spirit.

What about any frustration you have had with not hearing when you desired to do so?

We are going to continue to learn about this from the most incredible teacher ever, God.

There are going to be things that we don’t understand, and that is okay. There will be things that we don’t all agree on, and that is okay too.

In John 1 some of John the Baptist's disciples heard Jesus and began to follow him.

It says Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, “What are you seeking?”

They replied, “Rabbi” (which means Teacher,”} where are you staying?”

“Come and see,” he said.

That is what He invites us to as well, and that is what we are going to do.

We are going to follow Him…to come and see.

If we want to push further into knowing Him. If we are willing to at least acknowledge that we might have walls that need knocked down. If we want to have a relationship with the Creator of everything and know Him so well that others believe in who He is because of that, then let’s sit at His feet and learn.

Let us not pretend to know all of the answers but be ready to be amazed because we don’t.

Let us ready ourselves so that when he speaks, when we calls, we know Him so well that we can act even if we don’t understand.

Let us not mute our God…let’s prepare to shout His words to the world so that they will not only know of him, but believe in him.

He invites us to taste and see that He is good. My desire is that we be prepared to not just sip and taste, but to be consumed by what He has to show us.



I want to taste! I want to be consumed! Oh God, how I want to know you more and more. Please help me to hear you and know you.     Amen – So be it.

How can we truly love the one we do not know?

My prayer mimics that of Paul in Ephesians 1… I pray that through these writings we all might gain spiritual wisdom and insight so that we can know Him more…love Him more…and serve Him more

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