Hi!! My name is Kristi! I have been married to William for 28 years and we have four daughters.
If you are here reading this to see what qualifications I have to share my teachings with you, you might be sorely disappointed! I’m not a Bible college graduate, I am no theologian, and I’m also not a pastor. But I love Jesus and I love His Word.
The more I read and learn about Him, the more I can understand Jeremiah 20:9 where he says “If I say, “I will not mention him, or speak any more in his name,” there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot.”
When God teaches me something in His word it feels like a fire in my bones that must be shared with others. After spending time praying and seeking, this is how He wants me to share it.
I am sure we will get to know one another more through my posts. You will learn that I am a totally broken gal that has been redeemed by a Father who tenderly took what was messy and broken and made it beautiful!!
I’m so excited for you to join me!!!
My prayer mimics that of Paul in Ephesians 1… I pray that through these writings we all might gain spiritual wisdom and insight so that we can know Him more…love Him more…and serve Him more