I was reading in Ezekiel the other day and as I wrapped it up I came across 48:35...
"The circumference of the city shall be 18,000 cubits. And the name of the city from that time on shall be Yahweh Is There."
It hit me as I read it... Yahweh Is There!!! Ummmm....WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God is showing Ezekiel a future city that encompasses all of His people!! And the name of that city is to be from that time on...Yahweh Is There!! (Think of the incredible gift we are given through Jesus!)
I am having trouble finding words to express how beautiful this is. Think about it.
It could have been...Yahweh's People...or Yahweh's City...showing His possession. But instead it is Yahweh Is There.
Not only does that identify our belonging under the wings of Yahweh, but it identifies His presence with us.
His involvement.
Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you aren't falling out of your seat in amazement at this, I beg you to take a couple of minutes and dwell on it. Ask Him to help you see.
Because this is a knock your socks off statement!
I know that sometimes God can feel far off. And sometimes we think of Him as a mighty being who set everything in motion and now just stands back watching us.
But, I hope you see the difference and the significance in finding our identity in not only being Yahweh's people...But in being "Yahweh Is Here."
It. Changes. Everything.
When I face various trials and battles throughout my day...Yahweh Is Here.
When I get a diagnosis that brings me to my knees...Yahweh Is Here.
When I am overwhelmed with everything around me...Yahweh Is Here.
You don't just belong to Him...He Is with you.
So many years I have found comfort in belonging to Him. That fact helped me with so many situations that caused fear in my life.
I belong to Him so I don't have to fear death.
I belong to Him so I don't have to fear the enemy.
I belong to Him so I don't have to fear hell.
But my friends, there is so much more. Because He is here!!
He is with me so I don't have to fear loneliness.
He is with me so I don't have to fear illness.
He is with me so I don't have to fear tomorrow.
He is with me so I don't have to fear ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!
So many times we get stuck thinking Yahweh is a god of the future...of death...of tomorrow. But He is also the God of today!!!!
This makes me think of the old hymn....
"And he walks with me and he talks with me
And he tells me I am his own
And the joy we share as we tarry there
None other has ever known."
Walk with Him and talk with Him today.
Tarry with Him today.
Because Yahweh Is There.
My prayer mimics that of Paul in Ephesians 1… I pray that through these writings we all might gain spiritual wisdom and insight so that we can know Him more…love Him more…and serve Him more