“Few people arise in the morning as hungry for God as they are for cornflakes or toast and eggs.”
― Dallas Willard
Last week we talked about hovering…about taking the time to soak in creation and in God’s presence, taking the time to listen.
This week we are going to focus on hearing.
I want to begin today by acknowledging that we all come from different backgrounds, we have different beliefs, and we relate to God in different ways. And that is great! That is one of the really neat ways that God shows us more of who He is.
We celebrate our differences and learn from them because we need to recognize that we cannot see as much of who our God is on our own as we can when we display His glory together. He is just so much bigger and greater than we can even imagine.
The other super cool thing is that despite of our differences, we all love and serve the same God. We hold to scripture as being His truth, we acknowledge that Jesus is the son of God yet is God in a way that we can’t understand, and we walk in the truth that Jesus humbled himself to take on human likeness so that we can have a relationship with God…one that we could never have without Jesus.
So, with that being said, we are going to study something today that we probably all come at from different places and different experiences. We will base our study today on truth…on scripture. But we might end up in different places by the time we are done.
This isn’t a bad thing. In fact, it’s a beautiful thing. It is beautiful because our God can meet each one of us right where we are.
I ask that we enter with not an open mind, but an open heart. One that is open to God’s whisper, His gentle breeze, and His truth.
So grab your Bible and read John chapter 10 verses 1 – 21.
Incredible story isn't it??!!
Let’s start with some background info on the sheepfold. A sheepfold is a rock wall enclosure that was made up of loosely stacked stones. On top of the stones were usually thorn bushes. This helped deter predators.
It was a safe place for the sheep. The shepherd would be at the entrance and inspect each sheep as they came in, and many times the shepherd would stay and sleep with the sheep.
Jesus tells us about this sheepfold and shepherd. When the gate is open the shepherd calls to the sheep and they recognize his voice and come to him. But He doesn’t just call out…hey sheep. It says that He calls them by name. They recognize his voice and they come to him. He goes as far to say that they know his voice so well that they won’t follow a stranger.
In verse 14-15 he says that just as the Father knows him, he knows the Father…this is the same way that he knows the sheep.
These are powerful words. They certainly were then…the reading even ended with people saying he was out of his mind or demon possessed.
And these are powerful words today.
It is a beautiful story, the one of the relationship that the sheep has with the shepherd…a story of the relationship that we have with Jesus.
It is a relationship which is based on the shepherd’s willingness to sacrifice his life for the sheep.
But, there is something else involved in this relationship between the sheep and shepherd that is really special. It is the ability of the sheep to recognize his voice.
They recognize it so well, that they respond to it.
What does it mean to you when you think of hearing the voice of the Shepherd?
What do you think it means to respond to it? What might that look like?
We are going to explore this more tomorrow, but before then, it is good to spend time recognizing and understanding what thoughts you might have about the subject going forward. And remember, we probably all have different ideas on it....And that is okay!!
Father God, I want to hear You! I want to know your voice so well that I will recognize and respond to it. Please help me to know You more and to crave You more! Amen – So be it
My prayer mimics that of Paul in Ephesians 1… I pray that through these writings we all might gain spiritual wisdom and insight so that we can know Him more…love Him more…and serve Him more