Know Him and Weep

Kristi Huckabee • October 11, 2023

Know Him and Weep...Because I am Part of the Problem

Know Him...and Weep.

Sounds like a weird way to begin an article on God's goodness doesn't it?

But oh, how my heart weeps and mourns.

Conflict, hate, sadness, war, suffering, killings, torture, all permeates the news today. I just had to turn it all off.

Not because I don't want to know...though turning a blind eye is easy.

Not because I don't want to hear...though hearing is so hard.

Not because I don't care...because my heart is breaking.

But I had to turn it all off so I could cry out to my Father...because I am part of the problem.

My actions, my words, my thoughts, my heart...have all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.

There is no government, nor is there a system in the cosmos that can fix what is wrong in our world.

The thing we need...all of the blood of His Son.

And through all of our filth...because all of us are guilty...He has made a way.

"What can wash away my sin:  nothing but the blood of Jesus.

What can make me whole again:  nothing but the blood of Jesus.

This is all my hope and peace: nothing but the blood of Jesus.

This is all my righteousness:  nothing but the blood of Jesus.

O precious is the flow that makes me white as snot; no other found I know; nothing but the blood of Jesus." -Robert Lowry

"Be wretched and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you."    James 4:9-10

How can we truly love the one we do not know?

My prayer mimics that of Paul in Ephesians 1… I pray that through these writings we all might gain spiritual wisdom and insight so that we can know Him more…love Him more…and serve Him more

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