The Bible talks a lot about how we need to share with others our stories and experiences with Christ. So…I am going to make the third Monday of each month… “I M.E.T. Him on Monday!” M.E.T. stands for Miracles, Experiences and Testimony. It will be a time I can share with you just a little of what Christ has done in my life in the way of miracles and experiences. I also hope to have guest writers share their stories as well!
I want to begin this series by sharing an experience that I had in December of 2008. It will probably take me two postings to share all of this incredible story.
I think the best way to start it is to begin with a journal post I have from then….
12/19/2008 (I was in the hospital when I wrote this)
God is absolutely amazing! Just the thought that He cares enough about us to WANT to spend time with us and communicate with us is unfathomable to me!
I am going through a fantastic book called Praying the Names of God by Ann Spangler. I love the book! Each week you learn one of the many names that God goes by in scripture.
Last week I studied Adonay, which means Lord, Master. The week was spent taking time to read scripture that points to what a blessing it is that we have Adonay as our Master and the promises that go along with that. The week was spent learning how I don’t need to know what comes next, I just need to know whom it is I obey. He is everywhere and will not leave.
This week I studied Yahweh Rophe, which is the Lord who Heals. Monday and Tuesday were spent studying the promises of healing and how sometimes we forget about the spiritual healing and dwell on the physical. I jokingly asked the Lord if he was trying to tell me something 🙂
Tuesday night I started spitting up a lot of blood. At one point we could not get it to stop so we came to the ER. While doing a CT scan of my throat, the scan happened to pick up a bit of my right lung and showed something suspicious. They sent me for another scan and told me that they thought I had a very severe lung infection and were bringing in a specialist to look at it.
We were completely shocked as I have no cough and feel great, other than the blood thing (which I thought was due to a recent bought of strep throat). They admitted me into the hospital where I have been ever since in isolation. The reason for the isolation was to rule out TB, which they have, but they won’t release me from isolation until 3pm this afternoon.
What they think I have is a type of lung infection that is not too common and is present everywhere and on everything. It is not contagious and usually people that are immune suppressed are the ones who get it.
They are going to biopsy it at 3pm this afternoon and we hope to be home tonight! The results could be in on Monday, but if they have to grow the culture, it could take 6 weeks. It is a slow growing infection so it is okay to wait that long.
The treatment is long, about 18 months, and not easy from what I understand. We are praying that when they go in today, it will be wiped away and we will not have to go down that road.
When we found this out on Wednesday, I could not breath from fear. We had not slept the night before because of all the tests and I was absolutely overwhelmed with fear and desperation at the situation. They said originally that I would be here until Sunday and I was so sad about all of the Christmas activities that the girls had that I would miss.
We chose to not let many people know because I just needed time to pray. I kept hearing the Lord remind me of what He taught me last week. He is my Master and knows the plan and result even when I don’t. I was not alone, nor was I left to toss in the wind.
Then over the past few days He has taught me more about the Healer that He is and has shown me so many promises that I can call on!
As I look this morning over this experience, I can’t help but thank Him! The Creator of everything, absolutely everything that is good and right and loving, cared enough about me and my wishy-washy feelings to show me answers before I even knew that I had any questions or needed any answers!
Me again….in 2021!! God moved in sooo many different ways during this experience/miracle! I will share more of the story next time. But just the fact that He had be preparing my heart to face this trial in the weeks prior was such an act of love, that it was hard to comprehend!!
Remember, take the time to share your story with others!
May peace be upon you all.
My prayer mimics that of Paul in Ephesians 1… I pray that through these writings we all might gain spiritual wisdom and insight so that we can know Him more…love Him more…and serve Him more